Submit your work to the new SEFI Journal!

The SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement offers a route to share ideas, emerging research, practice experience and innovations in the engineering education field. This peer-reviewed, open-access, online and archived journal is an official journal of SEFI, the European Society for Engineering Education.
The journal aims to support the advancement of engineering education as it is experienced and practised. It welcomes exciting new innovations and ideas over a wide range of topics within the field.

There is so much exciting work being done by creative and forward-thinking academics working in the classrooms, workshops and laboratories of engineering schools across the globe but this is often not disseminated to colleagues elsewhere in the sector.

We particularly want to encourage authors with exciting new approaches and insights on practice activities but who may feel nervous about some of the expectations of submitting to journals with regard to the strict pedagogical framing and requirements and instead we want to hear good stories of important work which can benefit those involved in supporting the learning of engineering students.

The first contributions are already being reviewed. To submit your work, please see our "author guidelines".


Join the new SEFI Journal team as a reviewer!

We are currently seeking reviewers for the SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, a peer-reviewed, open-access, online, and archived official journal of SEFI, the European Society for Engineering Education. It provides a platform for diverse types of contributions that describe innovative practices, approaches, or ideas within the field of Engineering Education but might not meet the expectations for contributions to more science-oriented journals (e.g., European Journal of Engineering Education).

As a reviewer, you will assess the scholarly merit of submitted contributions, ensuring they are original, relevant, and make a significant contribution to engineering education. Your critical feedback will help authors enhance the clarity, applicability, and impact of their work. Reviewers maintain a balance between content appealing to practitioners as well as researchers, nurturing a dynamic platform for the exchange of novel ideas and practices.

Becoming a reviewer offers the chance to actively shape research in engineering education, gaining insights into cutting-edge developments, and fostering collaborations. This role enhances your professional reputation and provides a sense of fulfillment by contributing to the dissemination of relevant educational research and practices that have the potential to advance the field of engineering education in Europe and globally.

If you would like to join the team as part of this new venture and become a reviewer please contact the Editor in Chief for more details.