Supporting educators to stimulate engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies & personal development process

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Lynn Van den Broeck
Rani Dujardin
Sofie Craps
Una Beagon
Aimee Byrne
Caitriona DePaor
Johanna Naukkarinen


This paper explores the possibilities to develop students’ lifelong learning (LLL) competencies via supporting their personal development process (PDP) in engineering education. Despite the recognized importance of LLL, its embedment in learning outcomes remains limited. A survey revealed that both engineering students and educators value LLL competencies, but perceive them to be taught and evaluated only to a limited extent. This paper introduces a PDP model to support educators in fostering students’ LLL competencies. The model, developed through literature review and educators’ input, includes (1) a matrix with various interventions, such as e-portfolios, reflective writing, and student-centred teaching, categorised by different criteria, such as educator and student investment, and (2) a PDP flowchart that aids educators in selecting suitable interventions according to their goals and context. The paper concludes with recommendations for educators to integrate LLL competencies into their teaching practices, emphasising the need for time, tools, and support to effectively implement these interventions.


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How to Cite
Van den Broeck, L., Dujardin, R., Craps, S., Beagon, U., Byrne , A., DePaor , C., & Naukkarinen , J. (2024). Supporting educators to stimulate engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies & personal development process. SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, 1(1), 122–131.