Including Sustainable Development in Automatic Control Courses

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Svante Gunnarsson
Inger Erlander Klein


The automatic control subject has several connections to sustainability and can play an important role in the strive towards a more sustainable society. An example of how sustainability is included in a basic course in automatic control is presented, where the links between the degree requirements, sustainability and the subject are illustrated using The Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SGDs). The key idea is to present real world application examples where automatic control is a vital component and there are clear connections to the SDGs. The examples are inspired and illustrated using videos and images taken from the internet. Several times during the course a part of the lecture time is used to show a video, describe how the control subject comes in, and how the use of feedback control via the application can contribute to the fulfillment of the SDG.


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How to Cite
Gunnarsson, S., & Erlander Klein, I. (2024). Including Sustainable Development in Automatic Control Courses . SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, 1(1), 5–13.