Student Reflections on a Summer School to achieve SDG 12: A Case Study

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Una Beagon
Janet McKennedy
Ruchita Jani
Brian Bowe
Margaret Morgan
Rosalind Henry


In today's landscape of global challenges, the role of the engineer is experiencing a significant transformation. The expectations of engineers are no longer confined to traditional technical expertise; they are increasingly acknowledged as key players in driving sustainable development agendas on a global scale. As nations endeavour to achieve the targets outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it becomes critical to equip engineers with a diverse skillset capable of addressing increasingly intricate and multifaceted projects, often characterised as “wicked” problems. The REDACTED research project was conceived to address the gap between traditional and required skills by piloting a summer school which sought to expose students to opportunities where they can develop some of the required skills. This paper describes the design of the summer school and provides evidence from student feedback of its value. A thematic analysis of student reflections also reveals the hidden benefits of an initiative such as a residential school. A toolkit of resources from the design of this summer school are provided for educators who wish to deliver a similar initiative to enhance skills in engineering students to help achieve the SDGs.


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How to Cite
Beagon, U., McKennedy, J., Jani, R., Bowe, B., Morgan, M., & Henry, R. (2025). Student Reflections on a Summer School to achieve SDG 12: A Case Study . SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, 2(1). (Original work published January 17, 2025)
Author Biographies

Una Beagon, TU Dublin

Dr Una Beagon is Head of Civil Engineering at the Technological University, Dublin and a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers. Her research centres around using pedagogical initiatives to improve professional skills, intercultural skills and lifelong learning skills in engineering students. She is a member of the CREATE (Centre for Engineering and Applied Technology Education) Research Group and leads the Education Training and Skills pillar of the BERIC (Built Environment Research and Innovation Centre) in TU Dublin.

Janet McKennedy, Technological University Dublin

Dr Janet McKennedy is a water engineering lecturer in the School of Transport and Civil Engineering at the Technological University, Dublin and is a member of Engineers Ireland. Her research interests include pedagogical initiatives around the SDGs and intercultural awareness with engineering students.

Ruchita Jani, Technological University Dublin

Ruchita Jani is the Senior Laboratory Technician in the Civil Engineering Department at Aston University, Birmingham. Prior to that she was a Senior Research Assistant working on the PROFESS 12 project at TU Dublin. Her research interests include Renewable Energy, Computational Modelling, Concrete Technology, Sustainability, Engineering Education and the SDGs.

Brian Bowe, Technological University Dublin

Professor Brian Bowe is the Head of Academic Affairs and Assistant Registrar at Technological University Dublin. His education research interests include examining students' approaches to learning within group-based project-driven pedagogies, epistemological development, progression, conceptual understanding and pedagogical evaluations.

Margaret Morgan, Ulster University

Professor Margaret Morgan is Associate Head of School of Engineering at Ulster University. She is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and President of the Irish Manufacturing Council. Her research interests include intercultural and interdisciplinary approaches in education for sustainable development, curriculum design and entrepreneurship education for engineers.

Rosalind Henry, Ulster University

Rosalind Henry is a Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Ulster University. She holds Masters' degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics (MEng) and Operational Research (MSc). Her research interests include widening access and inclusion in engineering education.