Tackling Resource Motivated Cross-Listing of Courses Maximizing Learning Opportunities

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Jimmy Ehnberg
Per Lundgren


There is a potential conflict between making courses available for many different student groups (by cross-listing) while at the same time maintaining satisfactory course outcomes. We propose a model to classify different formats for cross-listing across educational programme boundaries, and describe some key challenges related to these different formats. The model work has been informed by outcome guided interaction with over thirty selected members of the faculty, staff and students at Chalmers University of Technology with experience and interest in cross-listed courses. For cross-listing motivated predominantly by resource efficiency, there are challenges for the delivery of maintained quality related to: an increased diversity of the students, an increased number of students, increased scheduling constraints, access to facilities, and increased organizational interdependence. In order to achieve resource efficiency, all these challenges should be addressed when considering cross-listing, including the consequences for the responsible teachers, both in the short and long term.


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How to Cite
Ehnberg, J., & Lundgren, P. (2025). Tackling Resource Motivated Cross-Listing of Courses: Maximizing Learning Opportunities. SEFI Journal of Engineering Education Advancement, 2(1), 25–39. https://doi.org/10.62492/sefijeea.v2i1.28
Author Biographies

Jimmy Ehnberg, Chalmers University of Technology

Jimmy Ehnberg

Researcher, Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Head of Program, Electric, Computer, IT and Industrial Engineering

Per Lundgren, Chalmers University of Technology

Per Lundgren Professor at Electronics Material and Systems

Director of doctoral studies in Microtechnology and Nanoscience